Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership

Leadership Organization Development Journal Emerald Article: Emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness Robert Kerr, John Garvin, Norma Heaton, Emily Boyle Article information: To cite this document: Robert Kerr, John Garvin, Norma Heaton, Emily Boyle, (2006),Emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness, Leadership Organization Development Journal, Vol. 27 Iss: 4 pp. 265 - 279 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/01437730610666028 Downloaded on: 27-10-2012 References: This document contains references to 68 other documents Citations: This document has been cited by 29 other documents To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com Users who downloaded this Article also†¦show more content†¦However, they also question the conceptual validity of a key branch (managing emotions) of the MSCEIT. Originality/value – Although EI is viewed as a key determinant of effective leadership within leadership literature there is a relative dearth of supporting research that has not used student sample populations or a conceptually suspect model of EI within their research methodology. Keywords Emotional intelligence, Leadership, Management effectiveness, Intelligence tests Paper type Research paper What is emotional intelligence? Salovey and Mayer (1990) ï ¬ rst established the term â€Å"emotional intelligence†(EI). They hypothesized a framework describing a set of skills: . . . relevant to the accurate appraisal and expression of emotion in oneself and in others, the effective regulation of emotion in self and others, and the use of feeling to motivate, plan, and achieve in one’s life (Salovey and Mayer, 1990, p. 185). Thus, they implied that the two distinct mental processes, thinking and feeling, actually work together. Their theory of EI focuses on the extent to which people’s cognitive capabilities are informed by emotions and the extent to which emotions are cognitively managed (George, 2000). Since, Salovey and Mayer’s (1990) conceptualization of EI the ï ¬ eld has become inundated with a deluge of different tests all purporting to be effective assessments of an individual’s EI. The mainShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Emotional Intelligence On Leadership999 Words   |  4 PagesThe Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership and Leadership development in the non-profit sector. Gone are the days of intelligence relating only to academia and the testing of the intelligence quotient (IQ). The 21st century brought about the introduction of â€Å"emotional intelligence† as an added skill set in a leader’s tool kit. Essentially, the ability be aware and manage one’s own emotions, the others emotions, and effectively applying that information to guide ones thinking and actionsRead MoreImpact of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership3981 Words   |  16 PagesTHE IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON LEADERSHIP INTRODUCTION Our World today has more civilized societies with ever expanding population, having diversity in racial polarization, creed and gender. One common thread or feature in all these people is that everyone has feelings and emotions, and emotions engender emotional intelligence. We, being humans, are superior over other living creatures- we can think, feel and rationalize. Because of that we are being deluded by many behaviours, traitsRead MoreEmotional Intelligence : The Impact Vulnerability Has On Leadership Within Nursing Care1520 Words   |  7 PagesEmotional Intelligence: The Impact Vulnerability Has On Leadership within Nursing Care Empathy is used to describe a wide range of experiences. It is the â€Å"capacity† to share and understand other people’s emotions and another’s â€Å"state of mind†. Empathy is being able to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling, while maintaining a state of vulnerability to one’s previous experiences, biases, and emotions. Empathy is a very powerful concept that is often misunderstood, or discountedRead MoreHow Leadership Styles Influence On An Organization s Climate Essay1019 Words   |  5 Pages The article of Leadership That Gets Results provides the six leadership styles for individuals to understand how leadership styles influence on an organization’s climate. Furthermore, the six leadership styles are consisted of the emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and social skill. Therefore, these three concepts, such as the six leadership styles, the elements of emotional intelligen ce, and an organization’s climate, will influence each other because theRead MoreThe Skills And Knowledge I Learned Through The Course1510 Words   |  7 Pagesmany things in leadership such as management vs leadership, emotional intelligence, team stages of development, situational leadership, servant leadership, and Myers-Brigs Personality assessment tool. Also, while taking this course, I also identified my dependable strengths as well as my areas of weakness. At the beginning, I will talk about my personal definition of leadership. Then, I will summarize my self-evaluation/self-assessment by using MBTI, Big 5, and Emotional Intelligence. I will alsoRead MoreEmotional Inelligence Essay examples1669 Words   |  7 Pagesyears emotional intelligence has become one of the hottest topics between organizations. Researches have been working on this topic for time to time, to demonstrate or refute the importance of feelings. In the beginning common thoughts from managers and or supervisors were; emotions are in the way; emotions try to keep us from making good decisions; emotions increase a lack on focusing. Fortunately, an indeed research takes emotional intelligence to an ultimate ideal in which intelligence is basedRead MoreEmotional Intelligence ( Eq )950 Words   |  4 PagesEmotional Intelligence (EQ) can best be described as the ability to identify and manage your own emotions as well as others (Psychology Today). Generically speaking, this definition will suffice, but the more detailed levels of understanding help provide a clearer picture as to what emotional intelligence is. A high level of EQ has a direct correlation with effective leadership because both subjects involve groups of people. Emotional Intelligence can be broken up into five categories, all of whichRead MoreLeadership Styles And Their Preferred Language Of Appreciation1017 Words   |  5 Pagesstewardship of the HR profession. Management leadership is an ongoing responsibility and an art that develops over time. According to the late George Terry (1981), the primary task of a manger is to enable a working environment that will induce and maintain an enthusiastic desire to accomplish work among employees (p. 90). Leadership progresses with experience, observation, and interaction with employees. The critical understanding of leadership is being able to motivate employees to invest theirRead MoreThe Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And Leadership1232 Words   |  5 Pagesarticles to discuss the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership. I will discuss the reasoning for the credibility of each source chosen for this paper, summarize interesting information provided by each article, discuss any findings related to the topic, and discuss how the topic will influence my future behaviors. Overview of Credible Sources Before I can start discussing the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership, I must explain why the three sources used inRead MoreEmotional Intelligence Impact An Employees Communication And Success1329 Words   |  6 Pageswill address how emotional intelligence impacts an employees’ communication and success in an organization. Recognizing, understanding and managing the verbal and non-verbal emotions of themselves and others can positively impact their performance and the organizations. Emotional intelligence could be the missing link from taking an organization from good to great. Emotional Intelligence: The Missing Link The understanding of how individuals with average intellectual intelligence (IQ) could outperform The Impact Of Emotional Intelligence On Leadership The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership and Leadership development in the non-profit sector. Gone are the days of intelligence relating only to academia and the testing of the intelligence quotient (IQ). The 21st century brought about the introduction of â€Å"emotional intelligence† as an added skill set in a leader’s tool kit. Essentially, the ability be aware and manage one’s own emotions, the others emotions, and effectively applying that information to guide ones thinking and actions (Salovey and Mayer 1990). This type of leader is mindful not to offend, employing an empathetic approach while genuinely using self-discipline and care when interacting with others. According to Goleman (1998) â€Å"Effective leaders are alike in one crucial way: they all have a high degree of emotional intelligence. â€Å" His position is a good leader will know what type of leadership to engage, based on the situation. Leaders in the nonprofit behavioral health arena are expected to work through and connect with diverse groups of people, while demonstrating the skills to actively listen and discern situations empathetically. Affective imagination is the leader with a self-awareness, which effectively responds to intellectual and emotionally challenging situations (Stephenson, 2011). According to Cote Miners (2006) the adaptation of emotional competencies are essential for several domains of life which helps to pique interest in the concept of EI. The relationship of EI has been exploredShow MoreRelatedThe Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership7109 Words   |  29 PagesLeadership Organization Development Journal Emerald Article: Emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness Robert Kerr, John Garvin, Norma Heaton, Emily Boyle Article information: To cite this document: Robert Kerr, John Garvin, Norma Heaton, Emily Boyle, (2006),Emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness, Leadership Organization Development Journal, Vol. 27 Iss: 4 pp. 265 - 279 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/01437730610666028 Downloaded on:Read MoreImpact of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership3981 Words   |  16 PagesTHE IMPACT OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON LEADERSHIP INTRODUCTION Our World today has more civilized societies with ever expanding population, having diversity in racial polarization, creed and gender. One common thread or feature in all these people is that everyone has feelings and emotions, and emotions engender emotional intelligence. We, being humans, are superior over other living creatures- we can think, feel and rationalize. Because of that we are being deluded by many behaviours, traitsRead MoreEmotional Intelligence : The Impact Vulnerability Has On Leadership Within Nursing Care1520 Words   |  7 PagesEmotional Intelligence: The Impact Vulnerability Has On Leadership within Nursing Care Empathy is used to describe a wide range of experiences. It is the â€Å"capacity† to share and understand other people’s emotions and another’s â€Å"state of mind†. Empathy is being able to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling, while maintaining a state of vulnerability to one’s previous experiences, biases, and emotions. Empathy is a very powerful concept that is often misunderstood, or discountedRead MoreHow Leadership Styles Influence On An Organization s Climate Essay1019 Words   |  5 Pages The article of Leadership That Gets Results provides the six leadership styles for individuals to understand how leadership styles influence on an organization’s climate. Furthermore, the six leadership styles are consisted of the emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and social skill. Therefore, these three concepts, such as the six leadership styles, the elements of emotional intelligen ce, and an organization’s climate, will influence each other because theRead MoreThe Skills And Knowledge I Learned Through The Course1510 Words   |  7 Pagesmany things in leadership such as management vs leadership, emotional intelligence, team stages of development, situational leadership, servant leadership, and Myers-Brigs Personality assessment tool. Also, while taking this course, I also identified my dependable strengths as well as my areas of weakness. At the beginning, I will talk about my personal definition of leadership. Then, I will summarize my self-evaluation/self-assessment by using MBTI, Big 5, and Emotional Intelligence. I will alsoRead MoreEmotional Inelligence Essay examples1669 Words   |  7 Pagesyears emotional intelligence has become one of the hottest topics between organizations. Researches have been working on this topic for time to time, to demonstrate or refute the importance of feelings. In the beginning common thoughts from managers and or supervisors were; emotions are in the way; emotions try to keep us from making good decisions; emotions increase a lack on focusing. Fortunately, an indeed research takes emotional intelligence to an ultimate ideal in which intelligence is basedRead MoreEmotional Intelligence ( Eq )950 Words   |  4 PagesEmotional Intelligence (EQ) can best be described as the ability to identify and manage your own emotions as well as others (Psychology Today). Generically speaking, this definition will suffice, but the more detailed levels of understanding help provide a clearer picture as to what emotional intelligence is. A high level of EQ has a direct correlation with effective leadership because both subjects involve groups of people. Emotional Intelligence can be broken up into five categories, all of whichRead MoreLeadership Styles And Their Preferred Language Of Appreciation1017 Words   |  5 Pagesstewardship of the HR profession. Management leadership is an ongoing responsibility and an art that develops over time. According to the late George Terry (1981), the primary task of a manger is to enable a working environment that will induce and maintain an enthusiastic desire to accomplish work among employees (p. 90). Leadership progresses with experience, observation, and interaction with employees. The critical understanding of leadership is being able to motivate employees to invest theirRead MoreThe Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And Leadership1232 Words   |  5 Pagesarticles to discuss the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership. I will discuss the reasoning for the credibility of each source chosen for this paper, summarize interesting information provided by each article, discuss any findings related to the topic, and discuss how the topic will influence my future behaviors. Overview of Credible Sources Before I can start discussing the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership, I must explain why the three sources used inRead MoreEmotional Intelligence Impact An Employees Communication And Success1329 Words   |  6 Pageswill address how emotional intelligence impacts an employees’ communication and success in an organization. Recognizing, understanding and managing the verbal and non-verbal emotions of themselves and others can positively impact their performance and the organizations. Emotional intelligence could be the missing link from taking an organization from good to great. Emotional Intelligence: The Missing Link The understanding of how individuals with average intellectual intelligence (IQ) could outperform

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